मंगलवार, 10 नवंबर 2009

(Dus Tak): MNS brings street politics into Maha assembly, creates Ruckus

1 टिप्पणी:

  1. Till the Hindi speaking people stop taking non- Hindi speaking people for granted, this is going to continue....

    This Hindi speaking people never learn local language and expect the people to speak Hindi for their convenience....this is wrong and it seems like they are NOT RESPECTING the other language....


    This year is celebrated to be golden year of Marathi language and hence all representatives in the assembly were told to take oath in Marathi as a respect towards this great language...

    but abu azmi decided to play Hindi card and now he himself is to be blamed for the incident....

    If azmi says that he is learning Marathi....then why cant he speak 4 lines in Marathi so as to respect it and its people in assembly. any one who is learning the language can speak some lines in it....

    and after living in Mumbai for 15 years he could not learn Marathi ...what a shame....

    AND ABOUT WHO IS ABU AZMI............
    was acquitted in Mumbai bomb blast case due to lack of evidence...

    His son was arrested in Dubai in drug racket case....

    जवाब देंहटाएं